SPP 2330

GROUP BANGE & CZECH / Project BA 5311/9-1

Interplay of the phage phi29 and SPP1 with the B. subtilis (p)ppGpp response

Proliferation of lytic phages largely relies on the successful exploitation of bacterial replication, transcription and translation machineries. Hence, bacteriophages need to outwit bacterial defense and stress response systems to achieve their reproduction. Since the phages rapidly exploit the energetic and metabolic resources of their host cells to achieve their multiplication, we wondered if the general bacterial stress sensing and metabolic control system – the stringent response (SR) – might interfere with phage replication. The stringent response is a bacterial stress sensing and signaling mechanism that relies on the nucleotide second messengers (p)ppGpp. They are produced (e.g.) in response to amino acid starvation and essentially control all levels of the bacterial metabolism and physiology. This project will unravel the interplay and regulatory mechanisms between bacterial (p)ppGpp-related stress signaling and potential modulations delivered by the attacking phages. The interdisciplinary project combines basic microbiology, biochemistry and structural analysis.

Figure 1: Scheme of B. subtilis attacked by lytic phages and the influence on the translational machinery and the (p)ppGpp producing enzyme Rel.

Principal Investigator(s)

Prof. Dr. Gert Bange
Zentrum für Synthetische Mikrobiologie (SYNMIKRO)
Fachbereich Chemie
Philipps-Universität Marburg

E-Mail: gert.bange@synmikro.uni-marburg.de
Homepage: www.bangelab.org

Dr. Laura Czech
Zentrum für Synthetische Mikrobiologie (SYNMIKRO)
Fachbereich Chemie
Philipps-Universität Marburg

E-Mail: laura.czech@staff.uni-marburg.de
Homepage: www.bangelab.org

PhD student(s)

Ekatarina Jalomo Khayrova (jalomokh@staff.uni-marburg.de)


  • Steinchen W and Bange G (2016) The magic dance of the alarmones (p)ppGpp. Molecular Microbiology, 101: 531-544. https://doi.org/10.1111/mmi.13412
  • Steinchen W, Zegarra V and Bange G (2020) (p)ppGpp: Magic Modulators of Bacterial Physiology and Metabolism. Front. Microbiol. 11:2072. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.02072
  • Bange G, Brodersen DE, Liuzzi A and Steinchen W. (2021) Two P or Not Two P: Understanding Regulation by the Bacterial Second Messengers (p)ppGpp. Annu Rev Microbiol. 75:383-406. 10.1146/annurev-micro-042621-122343