SPP 2330

GROUP ERHARDT & POPP / PROJECTS: ER 778/13-1 / PO 2831/2-1

Molecular sensing mechanisms of phage infection mediated through the Zorya anti-bacteriophage defense system

The recently discovered Zorya system provides direct defense from bacteriophage infection (Hu*, Popp* et al. 2024). This project aims to study the underlying molecular mechanisms how the Zorya type I system in E. coli detects and counteracts phage infections. Specifically, we will investigate the roles of membrane proteins ZorAB, homologous to bacterial flagellar stators, and cytoplasmic effectors ZorCD using mutagenesis, functional assays, and advanced microscopy techniques. We aim to determine how phage infection triggers Zorya activation, how its components localize to infection sites, and whether these mechanisms are conserved across Zorya subtypes. Overall, this project will provide critical insights into bacterial immune strategies against phages, advancing our understanding of molecular defense mechanisms and potentially uncovering new principles of phage resistance.

Principal Investigators

Prof. Dr. Marc Erhardt
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institute of Biology / Molecular Microbiology

E-Mail: marc.erhardt@hu-berlin.de
Homepage: https://www.molmicro.hu-berlin.de/

Prof. Dr. Philipp Popp
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institute of Biology / Molecular Microbiology

E-Mail: philipp.popp@hu-berlin.de
Homepage: https://www.molmicro.hu-berlin.de/

PhD student(s)

Lasse Bendix Hallenga, lasse.bendix.hallenga@hu-berlin.de




Hu* H, Popp* PF, Hughes TCD, Roa-Eguiara A, Rutbeek NR, Martin FJO, Hendriks IA, Payne LJ, Yan Y, Humolli D, Klein-Sousa V, Songailiene I, Wang Y, Nielsen ML, Berry RM, Harms A, Erhardt M, Jackson SA, Taylor NMI. Structure and mechanism of the Zorya anti-phage defense system. Nature (2024). doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08493-8.