SPP 2330



Research Area A

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Barbirz

Project BA 4046/9-1

It’s sweet to move on – bacteriophage infection and processing of glycan-based biofilms

Dr. Petya Berger & Dr. Michael Berger

Associated Project

Bacterial host-dependent Stx2 phage stability: molecular mechanisms and impact on virulence potential

Prof. Dr. Fabian M. Commichau

Project CO 1139/6-1

Functional dissection of the Bacillus subtilis SPβ prophage lysogeny-lysis decision system and characterization of a novel SPβ defense system


Prof. Dr. Marc Erhardt & Prof. Dr. Philipp Popp

Project ER 778/13-1 PO 2831/2-1

Molecular sensing mechanisms of phage infection mediated through the Zorya anti-bacteriophage defense system

Prof. Dr. Nicole Frankenberg-Dinkel

Project FR1487/16-2

Photosynthesis genes in phage genomes-elucidation of their role in cyanobacteria-phage interaction

Dr. Milan Gerovac

Associated Project

Complexes in Phage-infected cells


Prof. Dr. Katharina Höfer

Project HO 6873/1-2

Understanding bacterial epitranscriptomics on the basis of Escherichia coli – T4 phage interactions

Jun-Prof. Dr. Jens Hör

Associated Project

Understanding the molecular mechanisms of cystovirus infection

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Jung & Dr. Sophie Brameyer

Associated Project

The role of m6A-RNA modification to control phage replication

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kuhn & Dr. Dorothee Kiefer

Associated Project

Translocation of infecting viral DNA across the bacterial host membrane

Dr. Tessa E.F. Quax

Associated Project

Impact of chronic viral infection on archaeal cells

Prof. Dr. Ruth A. Schmitz-Streit

Project SCHM1052/26-2

Molecular insight into viral infection of Methanoarchaea and their respective viruses

Prof. Dr. Kai Thormann

Project TH 831/9-2

The role of small open reading frames in Shewanella oneidensis phage LambdaSo in host takeover and phage proliferation

Prof. Dr. Jörg Vogel

Project VO 875/23-2

Molecular factors whereby giant phage ΦKZ modulates host protein synthesis

Apl. Prof. Dr. Christiane Wolz

Associated Project

Molecular cross-talk between Sa3int phages and their Stapylococcus aureus host

Research Area B

Prof. Dr. Chase Beisel

Project BE 6703/2-2

Interrogating the contributions of novel immune systems to anti-phage defense in native bacterial hosts

Prof. Dr. Haike Antelmann & Prof. Markus C. Wahl

Associated Project

Phage defense mechanisms in enteropathogenic Escherichia coli

Dr. Ana Rita Brochado

Project GO 3161/3-1

Molecular mechanisms of phage-antibiotic interactions and their interplay with CBASS phage defense systems

Prof. Dr. Antje Flieger

Project FL 359/11-1

Mechanisms of bacterial programmed cell death in phage defense: interplay of NAD+ depletion and the effector phospholipase PlaB

Prof. Dr. Julia Frunzke

Project FR 2759/7-2

Inhibition of phage infection by secondary metabolites produced by actinobacterial species

Prof. Dr. Debbie Lindell & Dr. Claudia Steglich

Project LI 2179/1-2

Novel anti-phage resistance mechanisms channeled through transcriptional regulation

Prof. Dr. Kai Papenfort

Project PA 2820/3-2

Molecular principles of quorum sensing-mediated phage defense in Vibrio cholerae

Dr. François Rousset

Associated Project

Mining innate immune proteins from bacterial defenses

Prof. Dr. Rotem Sorek

Project SO 1611/2-2

Understanding the nature of anti-phage defense islands in microbes

Dr. Athanasios Typas

Project TY 116/6-1

Elucidating phage triggers and blockers of bacterial rertons


Dr. Tanita Wein

Project WE 6814/1-1

Bacterial gasdermin as a model system to study ancient immune mechanisms

Research Area C

Dr. Li Deng

Project DE 2360/6-2

Systematic identification of phage-host cross-talk in the human gut microbiome

Prof. Dr. Knut Drescher

Associated Project

Physiological response of biofilms to lytic phage predation

Prof. Dr. Bas E. Dutilh

Associated Project




Dr. Anne Kupczok

Associated Project

Drivers of phage diversity across space and time

Prof. Dr. Andreas Peschel

Project PE 805/8-2

Glycocode-guided bacteriophage-host interaction in the evolution of the genus Staphylococcus

Prof. Dr. Carolin Wendling

Associated Project

Drivers and Constraints of Prophage Persistence in Natural Communities

Research Z-Projekt

Dr. Johannes Wittmann

Project WI 5350/1-2

Z-Projekt – Bacteriophage Repository, Services and Databank Development